Saturday, July 28, 2007


I had to have surgery yesterday. It seems a long time ago, I must have rolled on a sewing needle, or something. When I was at the vet, about 2 weeks ago, mom asked them to scan my microchip and it was in the right place and still working. So, the funny hard bump on my L side, had to be something else. I got dropped off at the vet's office around 8am and got to go home, around 2pm. The vet removed a sewing needle, from near my ribs. He thinks I must have rolled on it, somehow. After the surgery, mom said I was Jasmine-turned-down-a-notch, because I was so mellow from the sedation and the anesthesia. She said today I'm much better.

It was hard Thursday night, because they couldn't let me eat, after 6pm. I'm used to my bedtime snacks and I wasn't happy! On Friday, after the surgery, then I could eat again and I sure did.

Last night, I was driving mom crazy, because I needed to pee every few minutes. Fortunately, by bedtime, that was better. She even talked to the on-call vet, but she thought it was just from all the IV fluid I must have been given, during surgery.

1 comment:

Margaret said...

why did jasmine need surgery? is she doing better?