Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Jasmine's new collar

Recently, we went to the bridle trails near Kohler Andrae State Park, for a walk.  A while back, the retractable leash had been taken out of the car and never put back.  In our eagerness to get to the walk, we forgot to double-check that we HAD a leash.  Oy.  So, we were at the park with an excited dog and no leash.  PetSmart was closer than going home, so we went there.  It turned out they were having a buy one/get one 50% off with the collars and leashes, so we bought a collar, too.  We ended up buying a Kong Comfort Plaid Collar and a Kong Leash.  The collar and the leash are both soft to the touch and comfortable for the dog and the person holding the leash.  She had a collar, but it was getting faded, so we got her a new one.  The old collar was a Lupine collar with a lighthouse print on it.  We thought it was a fine collar, but since we have the new collar on her, she isn't licking her paws anymore.  She was licking her paws so much, that we had to keep a cone on her most of the time, because she'd lick herself raw.

Hubby was inspecting the old collar and there is a seam that seems kind of poky and uncomfortable.  Since we have the new collar on her, she is a like a different dog.  She isn't licking her paws, doesn't need the cone of shame, and just seems happier.  She'd had the old collar a LONG time, like most of the time that we've had her.  We would never have thought that the collar was bothering her neck and that's why she was licking her paws.  I feel really bad now.  She could have had a more comfortable life the last few years.

At the bridle trails with Sarah, left and Emily, right.

Jasmine hanging out in her crate

Jasmine's new collar

Jasmine's new collar again

Jasmine walking in the yard. Grass is trying to turn green.

We should just throw the other collar away. It's old anyway. So, back to the walk.  She did enjoy her walk and probably would like to go back soon!  For the moment, though, one daughter is working and the other daughter is painting her room, so the house is in turmoil and we don't have much time to get to the bridle trails.

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